Finding your top competitors with Native Ad Buzz is a useful skill and requires two things.
1. Understanding the indicators of a strong competitor
2. Being able to identify them with Native Ad Buzz
Indicators of a strong competitor
1. High strength for top adverts in your niche
All successful competitors must have successful adverts, so this is the quickest way to identify them.
Learn more about this here
2. Relatively high strength score and at least 2-3 months consistent activity compared to other advertisers in your niche
Successful advertisers should have relatively high strength scores compared to others in the same category.
However, high strength score alone, is not always the best indicator of a successful advertiser. It can be misleading when comparing a brand with an enormous budget to a smaller advertiser.
An advertiser which has shown consistent activity for at least 2-3 months is a better indication of profitable performance marketing campaigns.
5. Advertiser has consistently active Landing Pages
Consistently active landing pages are another indication of a successful funnel. It demonstrates that the advertiser has hit on successful campaigns rather then burning thru budget without success.

Identifying Your Top Competitors with Native Ad Buzz
The following is the text-book process for finding successful competitors:
1. Find best performing adverts in your niche.
Learn more about this here

2. Select the strongest advertisers on the advertiser tab to review
Click the advertisers tab and then click on the strongest performing advertisers to open their full details in a new tab

3. Check the advertisers strength and activity
Review the advertisers details tab checking for a recent consistent run of activity more than 2-3 months.

4. Review advertisers adverts for relevance and indications of success
Check the advertiser's adverts by clicking the adverts tab.
Ideally you will see several adverts all with indications of success

5. Review LP's to make sure there are indications of a good funnel
Click the landing page tab and ensure there are some landing pages with good strength scores compared to other advertisers in the same category.

Watch the demonstration to see the above process in a continuous flow, starting from step 2.