Basic Search
The basic search enables you to keyword search ad headlines and apply a few quick filters.
- 1. Keyword Search: Search the advert catalogue for adverts whose headlines contain a particular keyword or keyword phrase.
- 2. Sort By Dropdown: Use this drop down to sort results. Options include; date last seen, date first seen, advert strength, and advert duration.
- 3. Language Filter: Choose to filter results to find adverts of one of 8 languages, or leave to select all languages.
- 4. Network Filter: Choose to filter results to find adverts on one of 10 networks, or leave to select all networks.
- 5. Country Filter: Choose to filter results to find adverts shown in one of 12 countries, or leave to select all countries.
After selecting your filters hit the search button, and your results will appear in the Advert Catalogue main content area
By default the basic search results are in descending order